Source code for arborize.core

import os, sys
from contextlib import contextmanager
from .exceptions import *
import numpy as np

if not os.getenv('READTHEDOCS'):
    from patch import p
    from patch.objects import Section
    import glia as g
    from .synapse import Synapse

[docs]class Builder: """ A builder is a method interface that exposes an ``instantiate`` method that can be passed the model that is being instantiated. You can create your own builder by initializing a builder with a builder function, which is a function that takes the model and all it's contructor arguments as its own arguments. It's a builder's responsibility to add or label sections. Constructing your own Builders is of limited use, because every model's ``morphologies`` field takes morphology files and/or builder functions and automatically constructs and applies the ``Builder`` from there: .. code-block:: python class MyNeuron(NeuronModel): @staticmethod def build(model, *args, **kwargs): model.soma.append(p.Section()) model.dendrites.append(p.Section()) model.axon.append(p.Section()) # Creates 2 different morphologies for this cell model. morphologies = [ build, # Create 1 soma, dendrite & axonal compartment ('morfo2.swc', self.extend_axon) # First loads morfo2.swc ] """ def __init__(self, builder): self.builder = builder
[docs] def instantiate(self, model, *args, **kwargs): self.builder(model, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class ComboBuilder(Builder): """ Chains together multiple morphology files and/or builder functions. """ def __init__(self, *pipeline): """ Chain together multiple morphology files and/or builder functions. :param pipeline: Morphology file strings or builder functions. :type pipeline: vararg. str/function. """ def outer_builder(model, *args, **kwargs): for part in pipeline: # Apply all builders in the pipeline sequence in order. builder = make_builder(part) builder.instantiate(model, *args, **kwargs) self.builder = outer_builder
[docs]class NeuronModel: """ The base class that helps you describe your model. Generate all the required sections, insert all mechanisms and define all synapses using the appropriate class variables. See the :doc:`/neuron_model` """ def __init__(self, position=None, morphology_id=0): # Check if morphologies were specified if not hasattr(self.__class__, "morphologies") or len(self.__class__.morphologies) == 0: raise ModelClassError("All NeuronModel classes should specify a non-empty array of morphologies") # Import the morphologies if they haven't been imported yet if not hasattr(self.__class__, "imported_morphologies"): self.__class__._import_morphologies() # Initialize variables self.position = np.array(position if not position is None else [0., 0., 0.]) self.dendrites = [] self.axon = [] self.soma = [] morphology_loader = self.__class__.imported_morphologies[morphology_id] # Use the Import3D/Builder to instantiate this cell. morphology_loader.instantiate(self) # Wrap the neuron sections in our own Section, if not done by the Builder self.soma = [s if isinstance(s, Section) else Section(p, s) for s in self.soma] self.dend = [s if isinstance(s, Section) else Section(p, s) for s in self.dend] self.axon = [s if isinstance(s, Section) else Section(p, s) for s in self.axon] self.dendrites = self.dend + self.dendrites del self.dend self.sections = self.soma + self.dendrites + self.axon for section in self.sections: section.synapses = [] # Do labelling of sections into special sections self._apply_labels() # Initialize the labelled sections for section in self.sections: self._init_section(section) # Call boot method so that child classes can easily do stuff after init. self.boot() def __getattr__(self, attribute): if attribute == "Vm": raise NotRecordingError("Trying to read Vm of a cell that is not recording." + " Use `.record_soma()` to enable recording of the soma.") @classmethod def _import_morphologies(cls): cls.imported_morphologies = [] for morphology in cls.morphologies: builder = make_builder(morphology) cls.imported_morphologies.append(builder) def _apply_labels(self): for section in self.sections: if not hasattr(section, "labels"): section.labels = [] for section in self.soma: section.labels.append("soma") for section in self.dendrites: section.labels.append("dendrites") for section in self.axon: section.labels.append("axon") # Apply special labels if hasattr(self.__class__, "labels"): for label, category in self.__class__.labels.items(): targets = self.__dict__[category["from"]] if "id" in category: l = category["id"] for id, target in enumerate(targets): if l(id): target.labels.append(label) elif "diam" in category: l = category["diam"] for id, target in enumerate(targets): if l(target.diam): target.labels.append(label) def _init_section(self, section): section.cell = self # Set the amount of sections to some standard odd amount section.nseg = 1 + (2 * int(section.L / 40)) for label in section.labels: self._init_section_label(section, label) def _init_section_label(self, section, label): # Store a map of mechanisms to full mod_names for the attribute setter resolved_mechanisms = {} definition = self.__class__.section_types[label] # Insert the mechanisms for mechanism in definition["mechanisms"]: # Use Glia to resolve the mechanism selection. if isinstance(mechanism, tuple): # Mechanism defined as: `(mech_name, mech_variant)` mechanism_variant = mechanism[1] mechanism = mechanism[0] mod_name = g.resolve(mechanism, pkg="dbbs_mod_collection", variant=mechanism_variant) else: # Mechanism defined as string mod_name = g.resolve(mechanism, pkg="dbbs_mod_collection") # Map the mechanism to the mod name resolved_mechanisms[mechanism] = mod_name # Use Glia to insert the resolved mod. g.insert(section, mod_name) # Set the attributes on this section and its mechanisms for attribute, value in definition["attributes"].items(): mechanism_notice = "" if isinstance(attribute, tuple): # `attribute` is an attribute of a specific mechanism and defined # as `(attribute, mechanism)`. This makes use of the fact that # NEURON provides shorthands to a mechanism's attribute as # `attribute_mechanism` instead of having to iterate over all # the segments and setting `mechanism.attribute` for each mechanism = attribute[1] mechanism_notice = " specified for '{}'".format(mechanism) if not mechanism in resolved_mechanisms: raise MechanismNotPresentError("The attribute " + repr(attribute) + " specifies a mechanism '{}' that was not inserted in this section.".format(mechanism)) mechanism_mod = resolved_mechanisms[mechanism] attribute_name = attribute[0] + "_" + mechanism_mod else: # `attribute` is an attribute of the section and is defined as string attribute_name = attribute # Check whether the value is callable, if so, pass it the section diameter # and update the local variable to the return value. This allows parameters to # depend on the diameter of the section. if callable(value): value = value(section.diam) # Use setattr to set the obtained attribute information. __dict__ # does not work as NEURON's Python interface is incomplete. try: setattr(section.__neuron__(), attribute_name, value) except AttributeError as e: raise SectionAttributeError("The attribute '{}'{} is not found on a section labelled '{}' in the {}.".format( attribute_name, mechanism_notice, ",".join(section.labels), self.__class__.__name__ )) from None # Copy the synapse definitions to this section if "synapses" in definition: if not hasattr(section, "available_synapse_types"): section.available_synapse_types = [] section.available_synapse_types.extend(definition["synapses"].copy())
[docs] def boot(self): pass
[docs] def set_reference_id(self, id): ''' Add an id that can be used as reference for outside software. ''' self.ref_id = id
[docs] def connect(self, from_cell, from_section, to_section, synapse_type=None): ''' Connect this cell as the postsynaptic cell in a connection with `from_cell` between the `from_section` and `to_section`. Additionally a `synapse_type` can be specified if there's multiple synapse types present on the postsynaptic section. :param from_cell: The presynaptic cell. :type from_cell: :class:`.NeuronModel` :param from_section: The presynaptic section. :type from_section: :class:`.Section` :param to_section: The postsynaptic section. :type to_section: :class:`.Section` :param synapse_type: The name of the synapse type. :type synapse_type: string ''' synapse = self.create_synapse(to_section, synapse_type=synapse_type) to_section.synapses.append(synapse) from_section.connect_points(synapse._point_process) return synapse
[docs] def record_soma(self): self.Vm = self.soma[0].record() return self.Vm
[docs] def create_synapse(self, section, synapse_type=None): ''' Create a synapse in the specified ``section`` based on the synapse definitions present on this model. Additionally a `synapse_type` can be specified if there's multiple synapse types present on the section. :param section: The postsynaptic section. :type section: :class:`.Section` :param synapse_type: The name of the synapse type. :type synapse_type: string ''' labels = section.labels labels_name = ",".join(labels) if not hasattr(self.__class__, "synapse_types"): raise ModelClassError("Can't connect to a NeuronModel that does not specify any `synapse_types` on its class.") synapse_types = self.__class__.synapse_types if not hasattr(section, "available_synapse_types") or not section.available_synapse_types: raise ConnectionError("Can't connect to '{}' labelled section without available synapse types.".format(labels_name)) section_synapses = section.available_synapse_types if synapse_type is None: if len(section_synapses) != 1: raise AmbiguousSynapseError("Too many possible synapse types: " + ", ".join(section_synapses) + ". Specify a `synapse_type` for the connection.") else: synapse_definition = synapse_types[section_synapses[0]] else: if not synapse_type in section_synapses: raise SynapseNotPresentError("The synapse type '{}' is not present on '{}' labelled section in {}.".format(synapse_type, labels_name, self.__class__.__name__)) elif not synapse_type in synapse_types: raise SynapseNotDefinedError("The synapse type '{}' is used on '{}' labelled section but not defined in the model.".format(synapse_type, labels_name)) else: synapse_definition = synapse_types[synapse_type] synapse_attributes = synapse_definition["attributes"] if "attributes" in synapse_definition else {} synapse_point_process = synapse_definition["point_process"] synapse_variant = None if isinstance(synapse_point_process, tuple): synapse_variant = synapse_point_process[1] synapse_point_process = synapse_point_process[0] return Synapse(self, section, synapse_point_process, synapse_attributes, variant=synapse_variant)
@contextmanager def _suppress_stdout(): with open(os.devnull, "w") as devnull: old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = devnull try: yield finally: sys.stdout = old_stdout def _import3d_load(morphology): from . import _morphology_dirs for dir in _morphology_dirs: file = os.path.join(dir, morphology) if not os.path.isfile(file): continue loader = p.Import3d_Neurolucida3() with _suppress_stdout(): loader.input(file) loaded_morphology = p.Import3d_GUI(loader, 0) return loaded_morphology raise FileNotFoundError("Can't find '{}', use arborize.add_directory to add a morphology directory.".format(morphology))
[docs]def import3d(file, model): """ Perform NEURON's Import3D and import ``file`` 3D data into the model. """ loaded_morphology = NeuronModel._import3d_load(file) loaded_morphology.instantiate(model)
[docs]def make_builder(blueprint): """ Turn a blueprint (morphology string, builder function or tuple of the former) into a Builder. """ if type(blueprint) is str: # Use Import3D as builder. return _import3d_load(blueprint) if callable(blueprint): # If a function is given as morphology, treat it as a builder function return Builder(blueprint) elif isinstance(blueprint, staticmethod): # If a static method is given as morphology, treat it as a builder function return Builder(blueprint.__func__) elif ( hasattr(type(blueprint), "__len__") and hasattr(type(blueprint), "__getitem__") ): # If it is a sequence, construct a ComboBuilder that sequentially applies the builders. return ComboBuilder(*blueprint) else: raise MorphologyBuilderException("Invalid blueprint data: provide a builder function or a path string to a morphology file.")