Source code for arborize.schematics._file

import itertools
import os
import re
import tempfile
import typing
from typing import Optional, TextIO, Union

from morphio import Morphology, SomaType

from ..schematic import Schematic

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from ..definitions import Definition

[docs]def file_schematic( file_like: Union["str", "os.PathLike", TextIO], definitions: Optional["Definition"] = None, fname: str = None, *, name=None, ) -> Schematic: if hasattr(file_like, "read"): if not and not fname: raise IOError( "The file-driver MorphIO requires a file name to parse files. " "Use a file-like object that provides a `name` attribute, " "or pass the `fname` keyword argument, " "with a suffix matching the file format." ) base = os.path.basename( or fname) handle, abspath = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=base) os.close(handle) try: with open(abspath, "w") as f: if file_like.seekable(): f.write( return file_schematic(abspath, definitions) finally: os.unlink(abspath) morpho = Morphology(os.fspath(file_like)) schematic = Schematic(name=name) branches = [ morpho.soma, *itertools.chain.from_iterable(s.iter() for s in morpho.root_sections), ] endpoints = [] for bid, branch in enumerate(branches): mid = getattr(branch, "id", -1) + 1 if bid != mid: raise AssertionError("MorphIO deviated from depth-first order.") parent = _get_parent(morpho, branch) if not len(branch.points): true_parent = None while True: if parent is None: break elif len(parent.points): true_parent = endpoints[getattr(parent, "id", -1) + 1] break parent = None if branch.is_root else branch.parent schematic.create_empty() endpoints.append(true_parent) else: if parent is not None: endpoint = endpoints[getattr(parent, "id", -1) + 1] else: endpoint = None if isinstance(branch.type, SomaType): branch_type = "soma" elif "custom" in str(branch.type): num ="\d+$", str(branch.type)).group() branch_type = f"tag_{num}" else: branch_type = str(branch.type).split(".")[-1] for pid, coords, diam in zip( itertools.count(), branch.points, branch.diameters ): endpoint = endpoint if pid == 0 else None schematic.create_location( (bid, pid), coords, diam / 2, [branch_type], endpoint ) endpoints.append((bid, pid)) if definitions is not None: schematic.definition = definitions return schematic
def _get_parent(morpho: Morphology, branch): # Does the morphology have a soma? If so, the roots are connected to it. root_parent = morpho.soma if morpho.soma else None if hasattr(branch, "is_root"): return root_parent if branch.is_root else branch.parent else: # The soma never has a parent return None